Friday, September 20, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

Teach the Children that We are Beautiful and Powerful

In recent months I have been asked the same question by African-Americans, whites, Hispanics, Africans, Haitians, Jamaicans etc. And the question is: “Do you think Obama will become president?” My answer usually is: “It seems as if he has a good chance.” But I always get the same reaction, “A Black man will never be president of the United States.” When I argue that neither color nor gender are requirements to serve in the highest office in the land. I get the same old trite response, “But, he is a black man, his father is African, he has a...

Read more: Teach the Children that We are Beautiful and Powerful



Thus says the Lord GOD: "On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will also enable you to dwell in the cities, and the ruins shall be rebuilt. Ezekiel 36:33 NKJV

Philippians 2:10 affirms that every knee shall bow at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ, and every tongue (whether on earth, beneath the earth or in heaven) shall confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God.  Also the bible says the name of Jesus is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are saved. Although you may have been initiated into and shackled by...




Food poisoning refers to illnesses that occur as a result of eating food that is contaminated. The illnesses usually present with symptoms related to food digesting tract (gastrointestinal tract), but infrequently, when complicated can affect other systems in the body. Food poisoning also referred to as food-borne diseases, are mainly caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites. Others are caused by harmful chemicals or toxins that contaminate food such as in mushroom poisoning.

According to Centers for Disease control (CDC), about 76 million food borne diseases occur in the U. S. yearly, most of which have mild symptoms. Up to 325,000 cases require hospitalizations and about 5,000 deaths are attributable to food borne diseases. Severe cases occur in the extremes of age, the very...

Read more: FOOD POISONING (Part 1)


Woman, What is Your Story?

This is the month of my birth and a special one too because I am entering into my jubilee. This event has caused me to reflect a lot about where I came from, where I am and where I am going.

Everyone has some defining story or stories attached to their lives that can be a learning experience for a younger or even older person. There is the story of a young girl in 1Samuel 13:1-20 named Tamar. She was the sister of Absalom who was King David’s son. This meant that she was a princess. Her half brother Amnon became so obsessed with her beauty that he became...

Read more: Woman, What is Your Story?




Almost everyone at one time in their life has experienced a headache. Headache can arise primarily from the brain and related structures (muscle, blood vessel and nerves) in the head. A primary headache is when there is an increased activity of structures that are sensitive to pain in the head. When diseases outside the head activate the pain system and cause headache, it is called secondary headache. The most important thing that can help your doctor make a diagnosis of the cause of headache is the history you give during your visit. Appropriate history also helps to determine the type of test you need and treatment.  Since history is critical to diagnosis, this article will focus on what possible...

Read more: HEADACHE


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