Friday, September 20, 2024
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Family Matters

How Not To Become a Hater


Surely the news few years ago about Stephen Tyrone Johns, the 39 year-old man who died while working at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C, caught your attention. Johns, a security guard for the museum was known to greet museum visitors with a smile. His colleagues called him “Big John” and they said he was an easy-going person. On Wednesday June 10, 2009 he was the target of a ‘trigger happy’, self-proclaimed white supremacist. A few minutes before the assault, Johns had greeted the man with a smile even opening the door for the senior citizen.  Once inside the door, the...

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How Connected Is Your Family?


One of the most moving advertisements that I have ever seen is sponsored by The National Fatherhood Initiative.  I saw it for the first time a number of years ago in an Oprah magazine. The advertisement showed the picture of a newborn baby peacefully asleep within the folds of a beautiful pink blanket.  The blanket, however, 

INSTRUCTIONS: DADS, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE RAISING. If this bold warning were not enough, the details on the label went further to say:had a label that read:

This is a Baby. It needs you. It needs your love, your touch, and your time. Spend lots of time with it. Build a birdhouse. Read a book. Go for a walk. Do homework. Play. The more time you spend, the better chance it...

Read more: How Connected Is Your Family?


Why Trayvon Martin Still Matters


There has not been a case in recent history that has riled the public as the murder of Trayvon Martin on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. Unless you live under a rock you have heard, read, or seen at least one news report on the assassination of the seventeen-year-old. Bloggers, media pundits, civil rights leaders and even President Barack Obama have voice their opinions about this case.  The death of Trayvon’s caused an almost unprecedented social outcry. Over 2.2 million signatures were collected on a petition to arrest the alleged shooter, George Zimmerman. Thousands and hundreds of hoodie marches were held across the nation in solidarity with Trayvon’s outfit on the day of his fatal shooting; walkouts were staged by students in Florida; a number...

Read more: Why Trayvon Martin Still Matters


Didn’t She Almost Have It All?


The announcement of the death of Whitney Houston shook the entire world out of its routine and frenetic pace. February 11, 2012 has now become one of the famous, “Where were you when …?” days. The body of one of the greatest female voices that has ever lived was found lifeless, voiceless and alone in a hotel bathroom. Questions as to: how? why?, inundated every conversation. So much talent, so much fame, so much yet to give; at 48 years of age Whitney who had made her comeback some years back had a fruitful future ahead of her.

Three months later, the official cause of death was determined; we have all had to relive the shock of her sudden departure. Quotes taken from Jen Chaney’s March 22nd article for The Washington Post’s Entertainment Section stated...

Read more: Didn’t She Almost Have It All?


What Will the New Year Bring?


2012 is here and all around the world we are living in some of the best and worst of times.  Undoubtedly, we look towards the New Year with trepidation. The economic dip brings with it a lot uncertainty and anxiety. Many have lost their jobs and many more will lose their jobs in 2012. Many have lost their homes in the infamous mortgage meltdown. The economic security that many immigrants came to America in search of is no longer accessible.  Experts foresee that 2012 will not be a bearer of good tidings for many families in America.

In the midst of all of these gloomy forecasts we must pause to put things into their proper perspectives. The most important focal point that we all need to remember is that material things will come and go but what really matters is...

Read more: What Will the New Year Bring?


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