Friday, September 20, 2024
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Attorney Famuyide Wins Follow To Join Immigration Case

attorny wins Due to the huge cost of obtaining permanent resident status in the United States, even when an immigrant is eligible, many immigrants are resulting to using credit cards and borrowing to foot the bill of trying to obtain legal statuses in the U.S. In many instances, families are separated, with an advance party sent forth to raise money for the rest of the family to join later. This was the case of the family of five recently assisted by Attorney Famuyide.

It was a petition filed by an aged mother for her married daughter with three children. It took over 10 years for the matter to be ripe for interview. As a result of the weak economy in the country of their origin, the family could not raise enough money to process the immigrant visa application. The cost of a ticket was also very steep. The family decided to send the principal applicant. Attorney Famuyide processed the principal applicant for the issuance of immigrant visa and she entered the United States.

About six months after her arrival, she was ready with enough funds to do a follow-to-join processing for the rest of the family. It was an arduous task because the old follow-to-join process was not synchronized with the new DS 260 electronic process.

About 3 months into the process, Attorney Famuyide eventually cracked the code. The cases were reinstated and lined up for interview. About a month ago, the rest of the family members were granted immigrant visas to enter the United States. Another success story of the Law Office of Attorney Famuyide.

It must be noted, that apart from the immigrants who are fortunate enough to adjust their statuses in the United States because their family members are already in the U.S., more than half of eligible immigrants are not so fortunate. These immigrants who are abroad would apply for immigrant visas in order to migrate and join their loved ones in the U.S.

For the benefit of many immigrants in the United States in similar situations to these immigrants, there is a program called follow-to-join which is not widely known. Many immigration attorneys are not aware of how this program works. It is the quickest route to bringing your loved ones to the United States and under the same program that qualifies you for permanent resident status.

There are two ways that could be used to assist the immigrant in this case to bring her husband and children to the United States. One would have been more beneficial to the attorney than the other. Many attorneys who are aware of the follow-to-join route would not have suggested or recommended it to their clients since it would bring the least benefit to the attorney. The other alternative would have given the attorney more money than the follow-to join. This alternative is to file new petitions for each beneficiary. U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service would have been paid for each petition, so also the attorney, but at the Law Office of Attorney Famuyide, the interests of the clients are considered first. It is cheaper and faster for the follow-to-join approach to have been used rather than filing new petition that could have taken over 2 years before maturity.

Any immigrant who recently obtained green cards, through petition filed by their siblings or parents, might want to consult with Attorney Famuyide immediately for evaluation as to whether their loved ones abroad qualify for the follow-to-join program. If you obtained your green card through any employment based programs, lottery visa or religious visa, your loved ones abroad might be qualified also for the follow-to-join program. It is important that you contact Attorney Famuyide immediately for assistance.

One unique thing happened during the processing of the follow-to-join applications for immigrant visas for this family of five. One of the children turned 21. It was a delicate situation that could have kept the child away from his family for the next 7 years, but Attorney Famuyide qualified this child under the Child Status Protection Act. He was issued the same immigrant visa with the rest of the family, but with a different expiration date.

Many immigrants in the United States today are waiting for their loved ones abroad to join them. They filed a new petition instead of the follow-to-join and it has become a long waiting experience for them. Maybe this can still be remedied. Please contact Attorney Famuyide immediately for assistance.

Also, if you are in the United States and you are a U.S. citizen, it is important that you petition for your siblings abroad now, otherwise the opportunity might be lost if a new immigration bill becomes law. Attorney Famuyide has written many articles on this issue, if you are yet to heed, time might be running out. It is important that you file the petition even if it will take 10 years before becoming a green card.

This article is for your information only. it is not a representation of any future outcome. If you have any questions or you need immigration assistance, please feel free to contact Attorney Famuyide immediately at 718-647-6767 or send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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