Friday, September 20, 2024
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  • President Obama Vows to Pass The Dream Act Now

    The Democratic Party controlled 111th Congress suddenly woke up from their immigration slumber on November 16, 2010 on their way out of office. It took President Obama and the Democrats a woeful defeat in the midterm election to wake up to the need to hon...
  • December 2010; President Obama's Last Chance to Pass Immigration Law

    As admitted by President Obama, the November 2, 2010 was a referendum on the policies of this current administration and the President and his surrogates failed woefully in the court of the American people. There is no sentiment about it, majority of Amer...
  • The “Gift”

    At Christmas we celebrate the show of God’s love by giving unto mankind the greatest gift ever. God gave His son JESUS CHRIST – the WORD becoming flesh, to dwell among us. In this reading we will examine the nature and the qualities of this precio...

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