Friday, September 20, 2024
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Key To A Successful

key to successfulFirst I want to inform you that the mind of God for this year is to fulfill His covenant of love in your live. There is nothing the devil can do, you will succeed this year, as the Lord lives.

Let me now begin to talk about the key to this success that you are expecting. The key is given in this verse: “Behold, I come quickly: Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” (Rev. 3:11 NKJV)

When I read this verse, I hear God saying you should not to take what you have with levity but to recognize that it is valuable and you should do everything within your power to hold fast unto it.

Based on a vision from God, John wrote a letter each to the 7 churches in Asia minor:

  • Ephesus – Loveless Church (needs to repent)
  • Smyrna – Persecuted Church (needs to remain faithful)
  • Pergamos – Compromising Church (needs to repent)
  • Thyatira – CorruptChurch (no more burden, hold fast)
  • Sardis – DeadChurch (Be watchful & fix up)
  • Philadelphia -FaithfulChurch (hold fast what you have)
  • Laodecea  – LukewarmChurch (Be zealous and repent)
  • I know your works (vs. 8) - you always keep my words to persevere, hold fast to that. Those of you who persevere in serving God, keep doing it. Don’t let any friend or foe tell you that it is not worth it. In the case of Job (Job 13:2), he told his friend, “what you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you. But I will speak to the Almighty.” When people tell you they know more than you or that they are better than you, tell them, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him …” (Job 13:15). Though wife, children, businesses are taken away, I will keep trusting God. Hold fast what you have, don’t allow anyone to tell you that you are inferior in Christ.
  • I know your works – When you are not at fault you still try to make peace with your adversary.
  • I know your works – Some of you always stay on the side of truth, keep doing that.
  • Though you have little strength but you keep my word and You do not deny God’s name.
  • Liars and those who are full of themselves will come to bow before you who keep my words (9)
  • I will keep you from a big trial that is coming upon the whole world (10).
  • But be warned that I will come quickly and I will only take those who hold fast to the truth of God’s word (11)
  • Anyone who overcomes will receive a crown, enter into a new city and receive a new name (12)
  • Read, hear & do the word of God that you are receiving (Rev. 1:3); Eccl. 9:10 (zeal).
  • Watch in prayers and character & Persevere
  • Avoid deviating from the word of God
  • Although Christ knows we have little strength, yet we as believers must not be complacent. We should strive to grow in grace and be strong in faith.
  • Incorruptible crown for people who follow the rules and become victors –1 Cor. 9:25-27; 2 Tim.2:5
  • Crown of righteousness – To everyone expecting His appearance (2 Tim. 4:8; Rev.6)
  • Crown of life for those who endure temptations (James 1:12; Mat. 5:11-12)
  • Crown of glory for those who are faithful till death (1 Pet. 5:4; Rev. 2:10)

The theme of the letter, especially to the Philadelphia church, is that they should hold fast to what Christ had given them. This same message is for you this year if you are going to make it.

Jesus Christ himself is speaking here, releasing this key in verse 7.He is the only One who is qualified to give you the key. He who is holy (separated from evil) & true; He who holds the keys of life and authority over governments, churches, heaven & earth. He is the one who has the keys of David, typifying keys to the kingdom of God – as the King forever, allowing people to coming in or barring them from coming in; When He opens, no one can shut; When He shuts, no one can open. He is One who promises and fulfills. He is not a joker. If He says you should hold fast what we have, He is the decision maker; and it is best for us if we take to His advice now.

Hold Fast What You Have: Walk in brotherly love this year (don’t join the loveless, compromising, corrupt, lukewarm or dead church (gang) of hell-going people).

This year, God is saying:


Hold fast to what you have this year. Ensure that you do not deny God’s name.


To hold fast is to:

Hold fast to what you have: Presently God has decorated you with a crown. Crown in the bible, represents a symbol of honor for a set-apart person; and so to remove or loose one’s crown I a thing of shame. God is saying to His children not to allow their crown (honor) to be removed. You and I hold a place of honor in God’s sight. He has set us apart and decorated us, so we must not lose this.


Hold fast to what you have: futuristically, what type of crown awaits those who hold fast?

I conclude by saying holding fast to what you have is the key to your success this year and beyond. What do you have? You have Jesus – meaning you have the truth, you have love for others, you have grace, you have ability to God’s will, you have grace to do all things as the Lord gives you strength. I look forward to seeing you in great places where God’s children are glorified. Yes, you are due for greatness and this is your year. Happy New Year.

In case you are in need of a sermon notebook, I have customized one for you. You can also request for my book “Chosen ButNaughty”. Also available for your benefit is a daily devotional that you may obtain by calling 718-658-8981. You may reach us further at

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